3 Things to Reflect on at the End of the Year

3 Things to Reflect on at the End of the Year

Taking a little time at the end of the year to reflect on what went well, and what you can do to improve, can set you up for success for the next year. These reflection questions are great for anyone, at any time, but I like to think about them at the end of the calendar year and school year!

3 Questions

  1. What went well?
    • Did I do a good job of:
      • Planning weekly?
      • Planning daily?
      • Setting my planner up for success?
      • Tracking my time?
      • Understanding how much time different types of homework take?
      • Studying a particular subject (or all subjects)?
      • Working ahead?
      • Studying a little each day for final exams?
  2. What could have gone better?
    • Look for evidence such as low grades in one class.
    • Did you consistently have points taken off for assignments turning in late?
    • Were you consistently on time to your commitments (school, work, etc.)?
  3. What are some actionable steps I can plan on doing next school year?
    • (Write them down)
    • For example:
      • I struggled with arriving to my 8am class on time this year. Next year, I will set my alarm 15 minutes earlier, and aim to be early. If I get there early, I plan on rewarding myself with using the extra time to listen to a fun Youtube channel!
3 Things to Reflect
on at the
End of the 