I know this sounds cheesy, but I’m thankful for you.
I’m thankful for you, whether you read my website, Instagram, Facebook, or Substack posts, or receive my weekly emails. I’m so grateful to be able to write about a topic I LOVE talking about- planning and time management.
Thank you!
3 Ways to Incorporate More Gratitude in Your Life (not just on Thanksgiving):
- Write in your planner one thing you are thankful for at the end of every day.
- Write in a line-a-day journal what you are grateful for (I haven’t tried this specific journal out yet, but the reviews are great and it is on my wishlist).
- I might try the Thankful Pumpkin: I like the low-key, low-prep, but high impact nature of it (ha- see what I did there). You could change the item seasonally or write what you and your family are thankful for on a family calendar.

Comment below how you practice gratitude!