While you drink your morning coffee or tea, look over your schedule for the day.
Decide your top 3 things that have to be completed today.
Weeding your tasks down to 3 items will force you to root out what isn’t urgent.
Once you complete these three tasks, you should feel proud. Either continue on through your to-do list, or relax.
Sometimes I look over my planner the night before (like last night). I saw that I needed to place a Walmart grocery order early in the morning to make sure to get a time slot on Tuesday (we’re running out of essentials like milk, eggs, and bacon). I need to run 3 loads of laundry and prep posts for the week. I also wanted to check on a friend who just had a baby and a cousin who is in the hospital. I write EVERYTHING down because my memory is terrible these days. Checking the planner first thing in the morning (or the night before) helps me be successful.
Note: Some people may have a hard time falling asleep if they look at their planner before bed.