Cinderella's Castle Self Care

The Elusive Self Care

For me, self care has looked different in different seasons.

When I was pregnant, laying down on the couch with my feet up (and usually napping) after school was the best way to care for myself.

In Other Seasons…

Cinderella's Castle Self Care
Cinderella’s Castle Self Care
  • Sitz baths postpartum
  • Baths with epsom salts
  • Running, especially when really stressed out
  • doing gentle yoga while on my period
  • Reading while breastfeeding or pumping
  • Reading, memorizing scripture, or watching Friends while cuddling my daughter in her hospital bed
  • Listening to audiobooks or calling a friend while driving her to appointments
  • Walking laps around the first floor of the hospital
  • Painting my nails during nap time (with my favorite no-UV light gel nail polish)
  • Napping during nap time
  • Scrapbooking after an especially hard day
  • Getting out of the house to get coffee or run errands with a friend
  • Here lately, drinking enough water, moving my body every day, and limiting my sugar intake has helped me feel the best.

It’s the Little Things

Be kind to yourself <3

Plan your self care ahead of time, or it won’t happen.

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