4 Pieces of Advice for New Teachers

4 Pieces of Advice for New Teachers

4 Pieces of Advice for New Teachers
Advice for New Teachers
  1. Dress professionally, to make it clear that you are the adult in the room.
  2. Do not aim to be their friend—you are their teacher.
  3. Set clear expectations right from the start, and explain what the consequences will be if those expectations are not met. Then stick with it—no exceptions! Even (especially) on Day 1.
  4. Finally, coach in private, praise in public.
    • If someone is not meeting expectations (behaviorally or academically), talk with them one-on-one, without an audience.
    • Say, “you’re not in trouble, but let’s talk in the hall for a minute.” Use this as a warning system—say, “If you do not change your behavior, you will be in trouble, and you know _ is the consequence for breaking this expectation.”
    • On the other hand, praise students in front of other students, their parents, other teachers (depending on the student, your audience may change). For some students, praising good behavior in front of their peers would be embarrassing (and therefore, technically a punishment). Instead, other options are writing a happy note to their parents or to their coach. 

Make it clear, in all aspects, that you are the adult in the room. You can do this!

Veteran teachers, what else would you add?

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