Author: Hannah

  • 2024 Goals

    2024 Goals

    My 2024 Goals are: I’ve divided the year into chunks. I like Sarah Hart-Unger’s quintile system. Her life looks different when her kids are home from school, so she divides the year into seasons of life, or the school calendar. Read more about her system here. I am not using traditional quarters of the year,… Read more

  • The White Lady by Jacqueline Winspear

    The White Lady by Jacqueline Winspear

    The White Lady is a fascinating story of Elinor de Witt (later, Elinor White, AKA the White Lady). Elinor got into the spy business as a young girl in WWI Belgium. After escaping to England after a mission went wrong, the spy was needed again to fight the Nazis in WWII. The story is dual… Read more

  • Starting a new planner!

    Starting a new planner!

    I love starting a new planner!  Filling out a new planner is like a treat for myself!  I keep a list of events / tasks for the next calendar year in the back of my current planner. The Tidbits planner, which I’m currently using, has one page open for this, but I ended up using… Read more

  • Fitting in Workouts with Kids

    Fitting in Workouts with Kids

    Fitting in Workouts- Here’s What’s Been Working for Me Lately: -chasing my daughter around the house or yard -playing ball with her -walking laps while she is on the playground or at sports practice -cosmic kids yoga on YouTube -kids dance workouts on YouTube -take her on a walk around the block -Give her a… Read more

  • How to Make a Pacing Guide for an Online Class

    How to Make a Pacing Guide for an Online Class

    Divide the number of units by the number of weeks = number of units per week that need to be completed Pay attention to when school holidays and teacher workdays are (especially short weeks). You do not want to assign a full load on a three-day week (ask me how I know 🤪). To break… Read more

  • Gift Guide for Planner Lovers

    Gift Guide for Planner Lovers

    *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. These are products I personally use and love. Read more