It’s important to build positive relationships while teaching, but especially important while teaching virtually.
Host a Zoom Coffee at the beginning of the semester. Tell students to bring your favorite (school appropriate) beverage and be prepared to introduce yourself. Use the time to briefly go over the course, your syllabus/ pacing guide, and expectations.

You can call the students who didn’t show and have a quick conversation to get to know them a little bit better. This way, there is a positive contact at the beginning, before problems may pop up.
Another way to have a positive first impression is by sending a welcome letter and/or video introducing yourself. This can be sent to parents and students. Sometimes I ask my students to write a letter of introduction as well.
I like to host another Zoom the following week to go over types of assignments and how to complete them (after the students have had a chance to try their hand at them). Also because the first Zoom can be very overwhelming.
Do you have any other tips? Let me know in the comments!