Cast Two Shadows by Ann Rinaldi

Cast Two Shadows was a great read-aloud for my classroom- I would usually take a few minutes at the end of class and read until the bell rang. I love when my students are learning history through books.

“It’s the first step in growing up, Caroline, putting your own feelings aside and tending to the business at hand.”

Cast Two Shadows by Ann Rinaldi is definitely going in my classroom library. It looks at the American Revolution in the South, which is not often written about, especially in young adult books. It’s about a fourteen- year- old girl who takes matters into her own hands when her family is threatened, in a smart and daring way.

Cast Two Shadows was a great read-aloud for my classroom- I would usually take a few minutes at the end of class and read until the bell rang. I love when my students are learning history through books.

Ann Rinaldi is an author I will recommend time and time again to my students.

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