Plan to have “catch up time” every week, and especially before major deadlines.

I set aside time on Thursday afternoons to catch up on to-do items that haven’t already been completed. I know I am not perfect, and there will be times when other more urgent things come up, or I may get a migraine and just don’t feel like doing the work when originally planned. That is okay! Plan for this to happen (some, not for all things).
“Hope for the best, be prepared for the worst.” -Maya Angelou
Back when our daughter was in daycare, and my husband and I both worked outside of the home, we would sit down every weekend and plan who would pick up Rachel Ann from daycare each day if she got sick, depending on what meetings and deadlines we each had. That way there was no scrambling when daycare called me in the middle of class saying she had another fever or was throwing up.
Scheduling Catch Up Time for Homework
Plan to do a little more Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Maybe even leave Friday open if possible. Then, if you can complete all of your work Monday through Thursday, you can just relax on Friday! Or even work ahead 😉