Eat That Frog! For Students

Eat that Frog! For Students: 22 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Excel in School by Brian Tracy

“Required Eating for All Students!”

I absolutely love Eat that Frog! for Students book for students who struggle with procrastination, how to prioritize their workload…basically any student 🙂

Here’s the Setup

Adapted from Brian Tracy’s international time-management bestseller, Eat That Frog!, this book will give today’s stressed-out and overwhelmed students the tools for lifelong success.

Like adults, students of all ages struggle with how to manage their time. Encountering the necessity of time management for the first time, high schoolers juggle classes, extracurricular activities (all but mandatory for college admissions), jobs, internships, family responsibilities, and more. College brings even more freedom and less structure, making time management even more critical.

Brian Tracy’s Eat That Frog! has helped millions around the world get more done in less time. Now this life-changing global bestseller has been adapted to the specific needs of students. Tracy offers readers tips, tools, and techniques for structuring time, setting goals, staying on task (even when you’re not interested), dealing with stress, and developing the skills to achieve far more than you ever thought possible. This is the book that parents and teachers have long been wishing Tracy would write.

My Takeaways

With the many resources available to students today, they are more in charge of their own learning than ever!

“your ability to take action without a study hall or a parent’s reminders will be the single most impactful factor in whether you succeed in your classes. It is important to begin building these habits as soon as possible. The earlier you start, the easier maintaining these habits will be throughout your life”

pg. 5

Students need to learn how to manage their own schedule while in high school–it is crucial for future success.

“Taking responsibility is one of the best things about growing up. From this point forward, you get to make every decision and determine for yourself every action you take. Your life and choices are now your responsibility and in your control” (pg. 20).

Understanding this, and not blaming others for choices that the student made, will go far.

And of course, the name of the book- “Eat That Frog!” Do your hardest task first thing (at the beginning of the day, or at least at the beginning of your study time). Get it done, so it’s not hanging over your head. You get a confidence boost from having done it. As your energy wanes, your easier / more enjoyable tasks are waiting.

Age Recommendation

Middle school and up will find this helpful! Also, I would suggest that parents read this with their child to help support them learning to plan their own workload! This book is short and accessible.

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