Fitting in Workouts- Here’s What’s Been Working for Me Lately:
-chasing my daughter around the house or yard
-playing ball with her
-walking laps while she is on the playground or at sports practice
-cosmic kids yoga on YouTube
-kids dance workouts on YouTube
-take her on a walk around the block
-Give her a sensory bin or screen time while on the treadmill (no judgment)
Here are some quick sensory bins ideas I’ve pinned
I keep them in plastic shoeboxes, and switch them out every month. I’m really grateful to past-Hannah for organizing and saving them! I keep them stacked on top of the bookshelf in my office / home gym (we have a fold-up treadmill) / guest room.
Just a little bit of exercise each day makes me feel better physically and mentally!
Which is really why I make it a priority in my schedule–I like the energized, but more relaxed way it makes me feel. Not because I’m trying to lose weight or whatever (although that would be nice 🤪).