Batch Similar Tasks
Do all of your work for one class together. For example, if you have two math assignments and two history assignments on Monday, do this:
2 math assignments
2 history assignments (or vice versa)
Not that:
1 math
1 history
1 math
1 history
In the example of what NOT to do, you are doing what is called task switching. Your brain is actually doing more work to switch back and forth between multiple subjects. Completing all the work for one class, then switching to another class, is easier on your brain.
Another way students typically try to task switch is with their phones….
You know what I mean. You’re reading a primary source, and enjoying it, until DING you get a snap. Then you HAVE to respond. Oh wait, there’s a text, better text back right away. DING there’s another snap..and on and on.
Some people call this multi-tasking. I would argue that there is no such thing.
You are not physically reading your history primary source AND reading a snap at the same time. It’s impossible. You are actually switching between two tasks, and it will take LONGER to do your homework and you will remember LESS.
Best case scenario: put your phone in a different room, or at least turn it on silent and put it across the room on the charger.
Give Yourself a Break
When you give yourself a break from studying, feel free to take the phone with you to walk or get a snack.
Don’t forget to drink plenty of water.
One thing I’ve found as I’ve gotten older is that the REAL adult drink is water. The more you drink (within reason), the better you feel. The more productive your brain is.
If you are dehydrated or hungry or sleep, you will not be as productive.
Take care of yourself- eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water, get the amount of sleep that your body needs (9 hours on average for teenagers, 7-8 hours on average for adults). Remember, these are averages- you may need slightly more or slightly less.