Hawaian WWII Historical Fiction

Island of Sweet Pies and Soldiers by Sara Ackerman

I loved Island of Sweet Pies and Soldiers on audio. It was an inspiring tale of a single mom who started a pie business with her friends to make ends meet, with a missing persons mystery intertwined. Violet’s husband went missing years before.

This is a fascinating look at the Hawaiian home front during World War II. It touches on anti-Japanese sentiment during the war. It also includes a pet lion!

If you want a different take on WWII historical fiction, or like to read about new businesses and entrepreneurs, you’ll enjoy this book!

I love Sara Ackerman’s books, and this one is my favorite!

Island of Sweet Pies and Soldiers

Publisher’s Blurb

Violet Iverson and her young daughter, Ella, are piecing their lives together after the disappearance of her husband. As rumors swirl and questions about his loyalties surface, Violet believes Ella knows something. But Ella is stubbornly silent. Something—or someone—has scared her.

With the island overrun by troops training for a secret mission, tension and suspicion between neighbors is rising. To get through the difficult days, Violet bands together with her close friends and they open a pie stand near the military base, offering the soldiers a little homemade comfort.

Try as she might, Violet can’t ignore her attraction to the brash marine who comes to her aid when the women are accused of spying. Desperate to discover the truth behind what happened to her husband, while keeping her friends and daughter safe, Violet is torn by guilt, fear and longing as she faces losing everything. Again.

Age Recommendation

High school and up

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