3x3 post-its in a multitude of colors

Modify and Adjust

If you are a teacher, you just groaned a little (sorry!). Kind of like hearing “PIVOT” in 2020, teachers constantly hear, and have to modify and adjust…

…and you should too, whether you’re a teacher or not. Things do not happen exactly as we plan them, so we need to plan for this as best we can!

Teachers- How to Modify and Adjust

Have “extra” practice assignments ready to go in case your students finish what was on the agenda for the day early. For me, this was usually related to essential standards for the class, or some kind of current events research. I also liked to have a semester-long project per class, so when individual students finished early, they could work on the project for the remainder of class, or grab a book from the classroom library.

On the other hand, if you don’t get through everything on the plan for the day, shift something to the next day! I always planned with mini sticky notes on my paper lesson planner so I could easily move a sticky note to the next day as class was finishing up, to remind myself where we stopped.

(These 3×3 post it notes fit perfectly in the boxes in the Erin Condren Teacher Planner)

Modify and Adjust with sticky note plans


Schedule in “catch-up” time on your calendar every week, because life happens. You may get sick or have to work late–plan for it! If you don’t need the “catch-up” time for this week’s work, work ahead! Putting a bigger buffer between you and your deadlines can only help you, and you will be less stressed if you are working ahead!


Think of alternative plans.

Alternative Workout Plans-

I prefer to walk my dog outside, but if it’s too hot/cold/ pollen-y outside, I walk on the treadmill in my office.

Alternative Plans for Fun-

If your spouse can’t go…are you still going? What’s the alternate plan for fun at home?

Who is covering when kids get sick?

When my daughter went to daycare, my husband and I used to plan who was going to get her if (when) she got sick on each day (because we all know that happens about every two weeks in daycare).

“No plan survives first contact with the enemy”

– Helmuth von Moltke (Prussian general)

NOT saying that anyone I do life with is the enemy, just that no plan is perfectly executed, because life happens! If tasks don’t get completed, they can be shifted to the next week (or not done at all!). If fun plans get canceled, hopefully you have other fun things on the calendar! Modify and adjust!