My Passion Planner from 2020

Neutral Planners for Students

Sarah Hart-Unger had some great ideas for neutral planners on her podcast, Best Laid Plans– Ep 158- Aug Q&A.

Daily Spread

The Full Focus Planner would be a nice option with a daily spread.

The Simplified Daily Planner also looks nice and budget-friendly, although it is undated.

Weekly Spread

I always recommend the Passion Planner for a weekly spread (this link is for an undated planner, but there are dated options as well). You can also choose Sunday or Monday start dates.

My Passion Planner from 2020
My Passion Planner from 2020

I added my monogram with my Cricut, and DIY’d tabs. For my 2021 Passion Planner, I bought PP tabs, which were much sturdier 😂. See my posts about Passion Planners:

My Planners

Planning Styles in Different Seasons of Life

Any of these neutral planners could work for anyone because you can customize them as much (or as little) as you want.