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Life is too short to read bad books
Non-Painful Pivot series: Changing Priorities in Your Reading Life Maybe I should say “less-painful” pivots. Pivots usually come with at least a small sense of loss, grieving what life used to be like. It could be a big pivot with big feels about missing my in-person classroom after my daughter was diagnosed with leukemia. Or…
The Read-Aloud Family by Sarah Mackenzie
The Read-Aloud Family is more than a handbook on encouraging the love of reading in your family. It’s so much more than that. It’s a warm, fun read that reminds the reader of their own love of reading. Publisher’s Blurb It includes lists books (divided by age) that work well for read-alouds. Mackenzie teaches the…
3 Things to Reflect on at the End of the School Year
Taking a little time at the end of the school year to reflect on what went well, and what you can do to improve, can set you up for success for the next school year. These reflection questions are great for anyone, at any time, but I like to think about them at the end…
Becoming a Medical Mama
Check out my guest post about becoming a medical mama and 3 tips for navigating caring for medical kiddos over at! Want a free printable template to quickly write instructions for your child’s caregiver? Get the fill-in-the-blank template here ⬇️
Why Students Take Virtual Classes
4 Reasons Students Take Virtual Classes: 1. To Graduate Early Some students take a full load of classes face-to-face, and add on virtual classes in order to graduate early. Usually, students who do this are very motivated and self-driven. They typically have a very good reason for wanting to graduate early. Some may want to…
Re-arranging Priorities
I had big garden plans for this summer. I was going to plant tomatoes, bell peppers, and maybe some blueberry bushes. I was moving boxes to re-organize the garage last week when I tore my meniscus. I’ve been on crutches for a week, and still can’t stand on my right leg. I should find out…
Get Your Homework Done Faster by…
Batch Similar Tasks Do all of your work for one class together. For example, if you have two math assignments and two history assignments on Monday, do this: 2 math assignments Break 2 history assignments (or vice versa) Not that: 1 math 1 history Break 1 math 1 history In the example of what NOT…