Here’s the Latest!

  • Becoming a Medical Mama

    Check out my guest post about becoming a medical mama and 3 tips for navigating caring for medical kiddos over at! Want a free printable template to quickly write instructions for your child’s caregiver? Get the fill-in-the-blank template here ⬇️


  • Podcasts I've Been Loving Lately

    Podcasts I’ve Been Loving These Days

    Encouragement and Parenting Podcasts Planning Podcasts Books and Reading Podcasts What have you been listening to lately?


  • 4 Reasons Students Take Online Classes

    Why Students Take Virtual Classes

    4 Reasons Students Take Virtual Classes: 1. To Graduate Early Some students take a full load of classes face-to-face, and add on virtual classes in order to graduate early. Usually, students who do this are very motivated and self-driven. They typically have a very good reason for wanting to graduate early. Some may want to…


  • last year's tomato plants

    Re-arranging Priorities

    I had big garden plans for this summer. I was going to plant tomatoes, bell peppers, and maybe some blueberry bushes. I was moving boxes to re-organize the garage last week when I tore my meniscus. I’ve been on crutches for a week, and still can’t stand on my right leg. I should find out…


  • Get Your Homework Done Faster by...

    Get Your Homework Done Faster by…

    Batch Similar Tasks Do all of your work for one class together. For example, if you have two math assignments and two history assignments on Monday, do this: 2 math assignments Break 2 history assignments (or vice versa) Not that: 1 math 1 history Break 1 math  1 history In the example of what NOT…


  • Landmark Booksellers

    Franklin, Tennessee

    Franklin, Tennessee is like a Southern Hallmark movie setting. My friend from college that we stayed with really wanted to show us Franklin, as it’s one of her favorite places. I can certainly see why. Next to the glittery cowboy-booted party life of Nashville, Franklin is an elegant but friendly town with a kick-back on…


  • sorry-not-sorry for the bad joke

    Schedule Catch-Up Time Weekly

    Plan to have “catch up time” every week, and especially before major deadlines. I set aside time on Thursday afternoons to catch up on to-do items that haven’t already been completed. I know I am not perfect, and there will be times when other more urgent things come up, or I may get a migraine…


  • long to do list

    With a Long To-do List, How Do You Decide What to Do First?

    Write down EVERYTHING you have to do in a “brain dump” list. Write down anything and everything that comes to mind. You can do this for a weekly planner spread or a daily spread to prioritize your tasks on a long to-do list. Want more ideas? Check out 5 steps to a productive week.


  • The Last Garden in England

    The Last Garden in England by Julia Kelly

    The Last Garden in England by Julia Kelly is the perfect spring-time read! I have a black thumb, but this book made me want to go plant a flower garden right away. I can barely keep an aloe plant alive though! Here’s the Setup: “From the author of the international bestsellers The Light Over London and The Whispers…