Yesterday Daniel and I sat down and planned the next two months, particularly weekends. We already had things on the calendar (work days, a craft show I’m a vendor at), but we wanted to make sure we included lots of fun things as well. We also figured out childcare!
I have a running list of things I like to do during the fall:
- college football (Daniel’s #1)
- State Fair
- Boo in the Zoo
- church Trunk or Treat
- Trick or Treating
- Apple picking
We started with the events that have specific dates (church Trunk or Treat, Fall for Greenville). After that, we scheduled in apple picking based on when our favorite apples will be ready to pick (Honeycrisp and Fuji!). We also planned one date night per month!

To Do in September:
- work on Christmas presents
- work on Make a Wish matching shirts
- plan No Mo Chemo Party!!
- schedule flu shots
- plan benefitts
To Do in October:
- Make a Wish trip planning!
- Halloween costume
- plan November and December