I had big garden plans for this summer. I was going to plant tomatoes, bell peppers, and maybe some blueberry bushes.

I was moving boxes to re-organize the garage last week when I tore my meniscus. I’ve been on crutches for a week, and still can’t stand on my right leg. I should find out sometime if I will need surgery. Please pray that I don’t– I really do not have time for that.
My wonderful husband has picked up the slack, and my parents and in-laws have helped with dishes, laundry, taking care of our daughter, and driving us to appointments.
Unfortunately, a garden would be too much this year. My husband is already re-doing our bathroom (we had rotten joists and subfloor, so he tore that out and replaced it). Now he is finishing sheetrock. I don’t want to add anything unnecessary to his plate.
New Goal:
Re-gain strength in my right leg and work my way up to walking everyday.
When life happens, sometimes you have to re-arrange your priorities, throw out old goals and make new ones. This is why it helps to have goals written down. To write a goal down, you have to think it through and be able to articulate it. You are clear on your priorities. This will make it easier to re-arrange priorities, even though it hurts.
To read more about how to PIVOT (in a non-muscle-tearing way, that is), check out my Modify and Adjust post.