I love starting a new planner!
Filling out a new planner is like a treat for myself!
I keep a list of events / tasks for the next calendar year in the back of my current planner. The Tidbits planner, which I’m currently using, has one page open for this, but I ended up using several blank pages in addition to it 😆
I also always print a calendar for the first four months of the next year (half page or quarter page sizes) and tape it in the back of my current planner so I can visually see what events are already scheduled for that year.
Some events go straight to a list for the following year (such as a drivers license expiring 3 years from now, get the air ducts professionally cleaned every 6 years- we’re due in 2027).
Then I add:
-Work schedules
-Church schedule
-Daycare schedule
-trash pickup schedule
Monthly routines:
-10th- Pay credit card bill (only bill that is not auto-drafted, so I check the transactions at least monthly)
-19th- Business expenses/ income; Pay sales and use tax for our LLC
-20th- Budget (this is when the new credit card statement comes out), Tithe
There are certain tasks I do every year during particular months.
-January: back up photos/ laptop, Scotchguard outdoor furniture, schedule tax appointment in March, buy cards for the year
-February: clean rings / get them inspected (to keep up the warranty), prep tax paperwork
-March: complete personal taxes
-April: complete business taxes
-May: survive the end of the school year 😂
-June: back up photos/ laptop, Scotchguard outdoor furniture
-July: prep for the new school year (our teacher workdays are the last week in July since we are on a modified year round schedule)
-August: clean rings / get them inspected (to keep up the warranty), car tax
-September: plan benefits (our benefit meetings for open enrollment are in October)
-October: benefit meetings, Halloween costume
-November: plan vacations for the following year, truck tax, file wellness benefit for cancer insurance, file dependent care claim for daycare expenses, finish buying Christmas presents
-December: wrap Christmas presents, enjoy the season!
I hope this helps you enjoy starting your new planner!