Tag: alternative plans

  • 3 Things to Reflect on at the End of the School Year

    3 Things to Reflect on at the End of the School Year

    Taking a little time at the end of the school year to reflect on what went well, and what you can do to improve, can set you up for success for the next school year. These reflection questions are great for anyone, at any time, but I like to think about them at the end… Read more

  • Re-arranging Priorities

    Re-arranging Priorities

    I had big garden plans for this summer. I was going to plant tomatoes, bell peppers, and maybe some blueberry bushes. I was moving boxes to re-organize the garage last week when I tore my meniscus. I’ve been on crutches for a week, and still can’t stand on my right leg. I should find out… Read more

  • Schedule Catch-Up Time Weekly

    Schedule Catch-Up Time Weekly

    Plan to have “catch up time” every week, and especially before major deadlines. I set aside time on Thursday afternoons to catch up on to-do items that haven’t already been completed. I know I am not perfect, and there will be times when other more urgent things come up, or I may get a migraine… Read more

  • Planning Birthdays

    Planning Birthdays

    I start planning for birthdays a couple of months beforehand. First, I figure out the date of the party (my husband likes to have the party the Saturday AFTER the actual birthday). I usually send family a save-the-date text. Then, I book the space and any other rentals. This year our girl wanted an inflatable… Read more

  • Modify and Adjust

    Modify and Adjust

    If you are a teacher, you just groaned a little (sorry!). Kind of like hearing “PIVOT” in 2020, teachers constantly hear, and have to modify and adjust… …and you should too, whether you’re a teacher or not. Things do not happen exactly as we plan them, so we need to plan for this as best… Read more