Tag: online courses

  • Why Students Take Virtual Classes

    Why Students Take Virtual Classes

    4 Reasons Students Take Virtual Classes: 1. To Graduate Early Some students take a full load of classes face-to-face, and add on virtual classes in order to graduate early. Usually, students who do this are very motivated and self-driven. They typically have a very good reason for wanting to graduate early. Some may want to… Read more

  • Working Ahead Before a Vacation

    Working Ahead Before a Vacation

    It’s important to start working ahead before a vacation as soon as you know when you will be gone. Put the dates in your monthly spread. Let your teacher know when and that you would like to work ahead before the vacation- ask if they have any suggestions. Look at how much work is due… Read more

  • Sneak Preview of My Course- You Can Ace Your Online Class and Still Have a Life

    Sneak Preview of My Course- You Can Ace Your Online Class and Still Have a Life

    Learn how to teach your high school or college student to independently manage their own workload in my You Can Ace Your Online Class and Still Have a Life course. Are you frustrated with managing your high school or college student’s homework? This course is for you. After taking this course, you will be able to… Read more