Tag: organization

  • Get Organized HQ Virtual

    Get Organized HQ Virtual

    I recently attended a virtual conference called Get Organized HQ. It was really helpful, and came at a time of year when I feel motivated to deep clean and organize the house! I really enjoyed the Quiet Time Baskets and Garage Organization in Get Organized HQ. Lindsay Griswold led the Quiet Time Baskets session. I… Read more

  • Organization is a Learnable Skill by Lisa Woodruff

    Organization is a Learnable Skill by Lisa Woodruff

    I decided to read Organization is a Learnable Skill by Lisa Woodruff for the M. Judson Bookseller’s (Greenville, South Carolina) 2023 Reading Challenge: read a memoir written by someone who has your dream job. I love Lisa’s podcast (Organize 365), and one of her other books, The Paper Solution. The podcast is great for when I… Read more