Tag: teach high school students time management

  • How Do Chores Teach Time Management?

    How Do Chores Teach Time Management?

    How to Use Chores to Teach Your Child Time Management Skills Younger children need more direction. As they get older, you can gradually release control to them until their chores become self-directed. For example, if you ask your child to bring their dirty clothes to the laundry room on Monday morning, you will start out… Read more

  • What Causes Teens to Struggle with Time Management?

    What Causes Teens to Struggle with Time Management?

    Some teenagers (and adults) struggle with time management. Why? Some have an overloaded schedule, filled with school, sports, clubs, tutoring, jobs, religious activities, and a social life. It would be helpful to thoughtfully consider (with your teen) their priorities each school year, and possible eliminate some activities from the schedule (or at least reduce time… Read more

  • 3 Symptoms of Poor Time Management

    3 Symptoms of Poor Time Management

    What is a symptom of poor time management? If this is your teen, what can you do to help them? Check out my course here: Teach Your Teen Time Management Read more

  • If your student struggles with how much time things take, have them track their time for a week.

    If your student struggles with how much time things take, have them track their time for a week.

    When your student has trouble managing their schedule, ask them to record how they spend their time over seven days. Write down their activities in 15 or 30 minute chunks. Then they can fully understand where the time is going. Read more

  • Top Posts of 2024

    3 Things to do Before School Starts to set yourself up for success! My Top Productivity Tip to Survive the Holidays Thanks for reading! Read more

  • Course Preview- Help your Teen Finish Their Homework Faster!

    Course Preview- Help your Teen Finish Their Homework Faster!

    Learn how to teach your high school student to independently manage their own workload Are you frustrated with managing your high school student’s homework? This course is for you. After taking this course, you will be able to teach your high school student to independently manage their own workload: Parents will be able to teach their… Read more

  • 3 Things to Reflect on at the End of the Year

    3 Things to Reflect on at the End of the Year

    Taking a little time at the end of the year to reflect on what went well, and what you can do to improve, can set you up for success for the next year. These reflection questions are great for anyone, at any time, but I like to think about them at the end of the… Read more

  • My Course is On Sale!

    My Course is On Sale!

    Set your student up for success in Semester 2! If you purchase through Udemy, you can fully access my course for $19.99. Use code SMALL-BUSINESS from now until December 31! You can also purchase the course on Teachable here. Read more

  • Planning the Holidays

    Planning the Holidays

    Here is my list! Some are repeats from year to year. Fun Activities Books I Want To Read Tasks That Need to Be Accomplished What’s on your November / December to-do list & fun list? Start with what is most important to you and your family. Make sure to schedule in some rest and relaxation.… Read more

  • Re-Setting in the Middle of the Semester

    Re-Setting in the Middle of the Semester

    You’ve fallen behind, or are failing a class halfway through the semester. How do you turn things around? 2 Steps to Re-Set in the Middle of the Semester For example: You are behind 10 assignments, including 1 project. 9 (regular assignments) + (1 x 5) = 14 You have 7 days to catch up. 14… Read more