What Causes Teens to Struggle with Time Management?

What Causes Teens to Struggle with Time Management?

Some teenagers (and adults) struggle with time management. Why?

Some have an overloaded schedule, filled with school, sports, clubs, tutoring, jobs, religious activities, and a social life. It would be helpful to thoughtfully consider (with your teen) their priorities each school year, and possible eliminate some activities from the schedule (or at least reduce time spent on some of them). However, I would argue that having a busy schedule is not in and of itself a bad thing. Have you heard the idea, “If you want something done, ask a busy person?” Having a schedule abounding with quality activities can be good practice for your teen to learn to manage their time well.

Teens also may struggle with time management because their prefrontal cortex (responsible for decision making) is still developing. On average, the prefrontal cortex will be fully developed around age 25.

Teens may also struggle with time management because they do not have a good system. If you need help with this, check out my Teach Your Teen Time Management course (see a preview here).

You can also grab a free printable to help your teen finish their homework faster below:

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