The Golden Doves

The Golden Doves by Martha Hall Kelly

The Golden Doves by Martha Hall Kelly

In The Golden Doves, a refreshingly post-WWII historical fiction novel, Martha Hall Kelly shines her light on how efficient the Nazi “ratline” out of Europe through Italy and on to South America was. One of the main characters is a Nazi hunter (although for different reasons than you might expect). The other is a mother looking for her son, hoping he is still alive, after being taken from her in a Nazi death camp. MHK wonderfully does not let her audience forget the atrocities committed by the Nazis against anyone they considered dangerous to the Reich. And the ending–wow. I don’t want to spoil anything for you, but this is a MUST read. I’m certain you’ll be hooked from the very first chapter.

Age Recommendation:

Note-I would not recommend The Golden Doves for middle school or high school students. It is very graphic.

Trigger warning: infant loss

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