Congrats, you’re halfway through the semester!!

Hopefully things are going well. If not, here’s what to do:
1. Check your grades carefully to make sure everything looks right.
Teachers are humans too- typos happen 🙂
If not, respectfully email your teacher with your first and last name, course name, and “Questions about Assignments (fill in the blank)”
In the body of the email, ask respectfully for feedback on these assignments. If you think you included a requirement that your teacher missed, ask “For assignment _, I tried to include 2 specific pieces of evidence (please see highlighted screenshot below). Is this sufficient? If not, what can I do differently next time?”
Make sure to end by saying something like “Thank you for your time, (first and last name)”
2. If you earned a bad grade on an assignment(s), ask if you can fix it and resubmit the assignment. Carefully look at the feedback your teacher gives you. Make sure to ask for feedback if needed.
Some teachers may offer to give you feedback on an assignment before you submit it for grading. Make sure to take advantage of this, especially if the assignment is heavily weighted in the grade book, such as a final project.
3. If you consistently do not have time to do your homework well, without rushing through it, re-evaluate your schedule. Maybe you need to do your homework at a different time of day due to various commitments or your energy level. Maybe you need to block out homework time and put your phone away during this time (if you are singularly focused on a task, you will finish faster than if you are trying to multitask (checking as Snaps come in on your phone for example). This is called task switching, and the more you do it, the more time it takes to finish your task.
Hopefully these 3 ideas will help you turn your grade around!
Do you need help re-organizing your schedule? Check out my course, You Can Ace High School and Still Have a Life here!