I’ve been feeling the strong urge to re-organize my physical TBR (to be read), and I’m sure my husband would be glad to not have towering stacks of TBR books to trip over.
We’re not even going to talk about the Kindle TBR…because I don’t even know.
Any thoughts on organizing ebook TBR?
I also have a running Apple notes list of books I want to read (that is incredibly unorganized).
Maybe I need to make a Google Sheets for my TBR, and have different tabs for different categories?
Sheets is just not very aesthetically pleasing to me…but the ever-growing Apple note is starting to stress me out, so maybe I’ll try it.
I also want to start tracking where I hear about a book recommendation, because I can never remember.
Tracking my Reading
As far as tracking my reading, I’ve been using Storygraph for a little over a year. I love being able to easily find what books are in what order in a series, and the graphics at the end of the year were pretty cool (although I’m not sure they were 100% accurate…I think some books I read in 2023 were not included. I’ve noticed that sometimes a book will automatically be marked as “Read” on the day that I click “Read,” but other times, I have to physically type in that day’s date….which is annoying).
I used to use a cute notebook to just make a simple list of books that I read:

Now, along with Storygraph, I use the Moleskin Book Journal:

How do you track your reading and your TBR?
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