I started using a planner, or more accurately, a student agenda in middle school when my teachers forced us all to do so.
The school provided these student agendas with the dress code printed inside, along with other school rules. Each day, at the end of each class, the teacher had us write down the homework for the day. Sometimes the teacher would check off on a clipboard that we actually did this.
Then, part of our homework was to get our agenda signed by a parent/ guardian. Our homeroom teacher would check for signatures each morning.
The signing requirement stopped once I got to high school, but we were still given agendas to use. I was already in the habit of writing down my homework at the end of each class, so I just kept doing it. It was better than trying to remember it all.
I didn’t write down obligations, unless there were special events, because most everything stayed the same from week to week.
Tuesdays and Thursdays- practice
Fridays- football games
Saturdays- practice or competitions
Sundays- church and youth group
It wasn’t until my junior year of high school that I realized there were other planner options besides the plain black/gray school- spirited agenda.
I was in a youth group planning meeting and noticed a friend of mine was using a pretty polka-dotted planner which she said she picked out at Walmart. This was before Instagram, so I had no idea there were cute versions of planners 😆
So the next school year I bought a cute planner from Walmart (probably a Blue Sky like this one), and continued buying academic planners throughout college.

I don’t think I kept any of these planners, so I don’t have any pictures of my personal Blue Sky planners unfortunately. I do remember loving that brand, and they worked well for me during that season. This is how and why I started using a planner, and I am so grateful for those middle school teachers that forced me to do so!