Women Who Risk: Secret Agents for Jesus in the Muslim World by Tom and Joann Doyle

Women Who Risk by Tom and Joann Doyle

I’ve been telling EVERYONE about this book. Tom and Joann Doyle tell the fantastic stories of courageous former Muslim women who learn about how well Jesus treated women and end up bringing their families and/or others to Christ. I strongly encourage you to listen to this one as an audiobook! You will be so encouraged by Women Who Risk.

Women Who Risk is my M. Judson Reads 2023 June read- recommendation by a bookseller. I first heard about this book from Jamie Ivey on The Happy Hour podcast. Jamie Ivey is not a bookseller, but I do get a lot of my recommendations from her podcast. She frequently interviews authors and always asks “what are you reading these days?”

Women Who Risk 
M Judson 2023 Reading Challenge

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